We do see that the link above detects that JavaScript is disabled. If this is the case you wouldn’t be able to click the images but you would want to click the checkbox next to ( or on top of ) the image. Additionally, it looks like the Theme is using some CSS to “float” the Contact Form 7 inputs but it doesn’t seem to “clear” the reCaptcha input which could cause issues. Floating elements takes them out of the normal flow of content and requires special care to ensure that other elements down the line of markup do not get overlaid with an invisible barrier ( which is currently the case ).
Additionally, we do see a JavaScript error not related to our plugin that may be interfering with the functionality. We do have a possible solution you could attempt.
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Before continuing with the below we do suggest that you have a ready back up of your database and are familiar with how to restore to this backup. We are not responsible for any issues, errors, or problems that may arise while following the below suggested solution. For more information on backups you may read over the following WordPress Handbook link:
WordPress Backups
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A possible solution for this would be to override what the theme is doing using an Internal Style. You’ll need to log into your website admin panel and browse to Appearance -> Customize. From here you’ll want to click the Additional CSS tab and paste the following CSS to the bottom of the textbox. Finally, click “Publish” to push this change live.
If there is CSS already in this “Additional CSS” box, don’t remove anything as there may be adverse effects. You’ll want to append the following line to the bottom:
.wpcf7-recaptcha {clear: both;}
It should look something like the linked image below:
View post on imgur.com
Hopefully the above solves your issue but should you have any questions, comments, concerns please reply back to this thread and we can try to assist you further.