
    When i found SNAP I thought I found the answer to my prayer for social media reposting automation. Unfortunately their capabilities are dependant on 3rd parties ambitions.

    Every time a site upgrades or updates its API protocols this plugin breaks. I really wanted to buy their Pro edition, but their free edition comes with too many bugs to justify paying for something that doesn’t always work. I emailed support and got a quick response in resolving my twitter reposting issues, but haven’t heard back from them for my medium, tumblr or stumbledupon isssues. Every other week its crap shoot on whether medium will work. Tumblr works depending on what outfit I am wearing I think, and stumbleupon worked out the gate but hasn’t reposted anything in over 2 months because of an API issue. I haven’t changed any settings from when it first was set up and functional.

    They offer a free version for facebook, medium, twitter, tumblr & stumbledupon. Facebook is the only one that has worked in the 4 months I have had this plugin. They offer a paid version for about a half dozen other platforms like pinterest, google and flipboard.

    I only want to repost to facebook, twitter, medium, google+ & flipboard. Today I found out Jetpack offers free social media sharing for facebook, twitter, google. Medium has its own stand alone plugin. Leaving only flipboard that I have to do manually.

    If SNAP hadn’t have broken multiple times in the last 4 months or support would have answered my emails I wouldn’t have gone looking for alternatives, but I am glad I did becaue I got everything I wanted for FREE from a core plugin. SNAP has potential, but they need to work out the bugs. They need to test things before releasing to the public, and they need to be more proactive in responding to support issues. Once they accomplish those couple of things they could corner the market.

    Unfortunately they lost me as a customer today because those key variables aren’t on their radar as of yet.

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