• My blog loads really slowly. sometimes it will be quick, but usually it takes a while. Theres not any large images files on it or anything. could it be the hosting (using streamline)

    cheers guys

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  • Without seeing for ourselves your problem is impossible to diagnose. We need a link.

    Same here (most other “sections” are WP sites too). It is not AWFULLY slow, but it takes a while, especially before the sidebar appears. Just today I have been looking around a bit and I consider trying the Super Cache plugin. Is that recommendable (or usefull) for a site with 4000 daily hits (850 visitors) (average)?

    Yes every little bit will help.

    Okidoki, I’ll mess around a bit on my test site to see how it works. Thanks.

    I’m trying to find out how to deal with large images blog writers upload and then put in as a small image in their story content. The problem is that it’s loading the large image just sized down with code, meaning the full 1 meg image still has to load ??
    Isn’t there a way to have it load thumbs instead? I tried tearing through and following the trail of “the_content()” function but yeah – your code is pretty much obfuscated because you’re referencing things all over the place. Anyway needless to say this may relate to this person’s problem as well even tho this user thinks it’s not huge images. Any way around this?

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