• The instructions for inserting text formatting in Forum posts says:

    Allowed tags: a em strong code ul ol li blockquote.
    Put code in between backticks.

    But what is a “backtick”? I tried a backwards accent, and then a single quote — neither worked. I’ve been typing my whole life and I’ve never heard of a backtick before, nor do i know where to find one on a keyboard. But without knowing what a backtick is, I can’t format text in my postings here.


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  • Trying this too…

    strongThis is boldstrong


    <strong>This is Bold</strong>

    ????? Geeez…

    Trying again BOLD


    That footer down there is confusing.

    The “backticks” are supposed to be used for preventing code to be rendered; e.g.
    <a href="something">link</a>
    as opposed to link

    The two lines above are identical, but the first one has backticks ` around it.

    I have to agree the instructions for its use are confusing. Maybe say something like, Put code in between backtacks to prevent code being rendered… or something.

    I haven’t posted before, and I don’t quite understand the backticks thing, and I can’t think of a better place to test it.

    Here we go.

    if (is_category('xyz')) {
            Do something;
    elseif (category('xyz2')) {
            Do something else ;
    elseif (category('xyz3')) {
            Do something else;
    else {
            Do something if none of the above are true;

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