Hi @fidoboy
First of all, I want to give you a huge THANKS for raising the google font issue.
Since Google has 500+ font collections and we can’t include all of them together on our plugin. We’ll create an option for uploading local fonts in the future soon.
Thank you again very much.
And about the User Offcanvas Menu at top right corner, if it doesn’t work please check the following settings ( https://prnt.sc/x7Sq0hnnGdxj ). we made it handy for our customers so that they can enable/disable based on their needs.
Now come to the Real Time Server Stats, just now I have tested it again and it’s working fine on my end.
So I am requesting you to provide the below information so that we can make more investigation to figure out the problem.
a) Server’s php version
b) WP version
c) And active/installed plugin lists. Go to the Dashboard > WP Adminify > Server Info: scroll down and find the “Active Plugins” section. Click the “Copy” button ( https://prnt.sc/r8IS_kGf745E ) at right side and clipboard text save in a text file and provide the file to us (the file should contain the plugins list with versions those you are using on your website).
I believe that after getting the above info we can have solid testing to figure out the issue. And we need your co-operation to do that.
Also would you please provide a video recording (with software like Loom) with issues? it might help to understand the issue very well.