If you don’t have the source code, you would be starting over. In that case, I’d avoid Java if you can. IMO, it does not integrate well into web pages. If you are coding your own, the best approach partly depends on what languages you are comfortable with and who your target audience is. Developing a mobile app is going to be different than developing a traditional web page. A progressive web app is a sort of hybrid web page/mobile app that might be a good solution.
You will want to minimize server requests for updated data, so some sort of simulated progress is called for. True real time data is impractical. A good part of the code will likely be JavaScript (not the same as Java), along with some server side PHP to feed the client app updated data. Unless it’s strictly a mobile app. WP is well suited for JS/PHP based web page apps run in a browser.
]]>I’m gonna try to make this long story as short as possible. Here is the thing, I’m not a programmer, nor english is my mother’s tongue, so first of all excuse my ignorance and my lousy english. I’m just the one who’s gonna put the content in, but that content is about trading, currencies, gold, dollar, etc, that kinda stuff, and so usually have an “account summary” window, or folder, where it resumes, real time, how you’re doing, and that’s what i want to show – most people like to see the other fail, u know that= visits
I wished i could just grab and paste my little java window to the left of the screen and everybody could see it, but it’s been a hard time figuring out just how, and I think you are confirming me it is just not as easy as anyone would have thought – oh, just make a blog, it’s so easy, people say
If I don’t show exactly what I see in my screen, in my opinion, credibility is lost. I know I can not do it, not capable, but i know it can be done, taking that data from that window, and kinda building my own window, with same result, but how anybody knows it aint manipulated that data? Just wondering. Also thought about some kind of screen sharing, partially, but haven’t found much about it either
Honestly i don’t know how to get over this, but without that window there is no blog (they actually two windows, an “account balance” one, and an “exposure” one, really tiny -1/6th of a 15” screen wld be it – left sided, with a double column format, two different posts but about the same thing, just like the two sides of a coin)
after a long while of research found out wordpress dot org would be what I was looking for, and I still believe it can be done, it is just I don’t know (yet) how
haven’t seen anybody else doing this so far
]]>having the code would change things a bit, wouldn’t it?
]]>You are right, the validity of the data presented could (and should) be questioned. You should be disclosing the source of the data. Users could compare your data with that directly from the source to convince themselves all is as it should be.
The data comes from some kind of API. When it comes to commodities trading data, it’s typically not something the API provider is willing to let out unrestricted for free. Some data may be available to the general public that you could tap into, but that would become a custom development project you would need to hire out. Such public data is not real time, it’s delayed by some period of time, like 15 min or something. The true real time data used by professional traders only comes at a very premium price AFAIK.
]]>did not know i had another answer before posting this, just wanted to notice the email thing – hope it is not a problem i take the time to read it and reply later…
]]>I wanted to start showing the data from a “white label” source as much as I could, that is not givin the name of the broker since there’s no deal with them, but at the same time ending up with legal issues, so now if I could use this shortcut, it could be a two birds one stone kinda thing, so again thanks for throwing some light to this darkness
About the real real time data you are right and more so nowadays with all the HFT (high frecuency trading) and all that stuff going on, which makes almost impossible to match what you see in the screen with what is really going on in the market, but in this case the data comes from a market maker, I get it myself, and it is not really important the data you see is real time with the market, but that it comes in a sequenced flow, or don’t know how to say it. That the numbers change in a fluid manner, just as the animated gif I posted earlier, because that’s what you see in the account balance once there are trades on, and so it all fluctuates constantly, and that’s what i’d like people could see in the wordpress dot org blog, so everytime you come in and visit, the results are gonna be different.
That’s more or less what I mean by “real time” in this case, and the auditor web I mentioned can do that. It’s got its delay, but it changes every few seconds, so that could work, while at the same time I can make a public profile in the web, so anybody can go and see all the same info I could see, that is date of trades…sizes…pairs…etc etc. Let see ??
]]>I’ve no evidence that this is the case. I’m only guessing, I’ve not done any real investigation into such displays. There’s also a difference between a large brokerage feeding data to account holders and feeding the same data to the general public. A brokerage can afford the server resources to serve account holders with “real time” data. Serving the general public would have to be at least partly speculative in my opinion. Of course, if your user base is small, you could get away with true real time data through regular “heartbeat” Ajax requests. But it will not scale well.
Thanks for pointing out the notification issues, but there’s not much we can do about what mail clients do with our notifications. Determining what’s no deseado is really a black art. Very few can tell you how it really works and those few aren’t talking. Any mail server that sends out huge volumes of email is going to be suspect. Some percentage of recipients are going to report notifications as spam regardless if they in fact opted in or not. I don’t use Outlook, but I think there is a way to whitelist forum notifications so they don’t go to no deseado. It may not carry over to Hotmail though. It may be all you can do is keep moving notifications out of no deseado and into your inbox. Supposedly the system eventually learns to not send such messages to no deseado. YMMV
]]>About the “real time” thing, I’ll try to brief it hopefully once for all and so it also works for me for the future. At first, given I was thinking I could use my broker’s data, that was kinda real real time data, and not thinking in huge numbers of connections, I thought I could paste easily that real time window in the blog, but it is not a need for the blog, it is more like a tracking tool, that it works at a glance. It is not a need for the content I mean, it is more for the audience, potential, audience.
The blog wont have anything to do with all that kinda real time news…commentary…not at all financial advise, etc, with all the disclaimers needed, even ad nauseam if neccesary, nor any kinda way of selling nothing, no advise, no signals, no bull, just a kinda showin off blog, if u will. And only once a day. Like a stand up comedy show if you will, hopefully also entertaining for the few minutes it should take to read/watch it, since most commonly will have a chart attached. Shorter than this post
that is, one comment about some data, chart, etc I find it worth commenting, in one column, and the second post with what I do, trading wise, regardless of the previous comment in some ocasions, in the market itself, takin a position, not necessarily day trade, which in case one haven’t read the full load of the blog, wont matter because anyone will see the “edge”, as it is called, at the right of the screen, with a little number and a negative symbol in front, or no symbol at all, meaning positive. It is thought to be on a one hundred per cent basis, so no need to know the starting amount, it is either above or below 100
and just a double post a day (hopefully in the future in two languages english, first, and spanish, second (two separate domains), targeted also for english speakers interested in learning spanish language – I’ve heard it’s kinda cool that nowadays in India, a huge player in gold global market, by the way, and one of my main public targets)
So, I bet your’re gonna get now right away bcworkz what i meant by real time and what I mean now. That is, once every minute a real update:? That sounds great to me. If can be less time it’ll be better of course, but I could manage that, as long as the “widget” reads, as it does, “this is our trusted data”, you know. I can take “slower” data, let’s call it that way, if it is trustworthy in the same way
Thank you very much for your interest and help bcworkz cuz believe it or not I’ve been able to make it further after a long stagnation time (Saturn’s fault, not mine, lol, just kidding :-p)