• Resolved sam69


    Hi there,

    Does your plugin also check if DISABLE_WP_CRON is used and if a real server cron job is setup and working?


    Update: Just checked and it does detect that DISABLE_WP_CRON is set to true but it did not detect that it was replaced with a real server cron job.

    Plugin would be great if that detection could be added.

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  • Plugin Author webheadcoder


    Thanks! that’s a great idea. So your real server cron job just hits wp-cron.php right?

    Thread Starter sam69


    That’s correct.

    Plugin Author webheadcoder


    version 0.3 will now show the last time wp cron ran. This should help you a little.

    Hi @webheadllc

    The same issue happens to me. I have a “real” cronjob setup on my server that run every hour to hit wp-cron.php. This plugin only shows:

    The DISABLE_WP_CRON constant is set to true as of 10/24/2018 9:41:16 pm. WP-Cron is disabled and will not run on it’s own.

    As @sam69 said we need it to show if the cron is running or not and the frequency also.

    The 0.3 version will be release soon? Thanks!

    Plugin Author webheadcoder


    @rhbkweb, version 0.3 was release last week. It will show the last time WP Cron ran. Please see the last screenshot for how it would look when DISABLE_WP_CRON is set to true.


    Im using the 0.3 and now I see the message of when the last time cron run. All seems to be working properly.

    Great plugin!

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