Thanks for your comment. I’ll have the this feature added soon. From my experience I know that we need to view this from two angles. Firstly the ability for the end user to upload images, in the correct format (size) so they can be displayed as thumbnails, medium and large.
We also need to thing to think about:
1. Which image will be the featured image.
2. The ability to re-order images
3. The ability to edit images.
I’m keen to use the built in functions from WordPress as this will always be supported and are getting better with each release.
The next thing is the output of images. The themes will probaly have different needs, grid, lightbox etc.
Lastly do we use the custom post type featured image function, which I think would be probably a good idea as I will be addeding a meta box for users to choose if this car should be featured.
The site I have built before ( on codeigniter ) was Hoffman Ford. It is this site’s base that I’m turning into a wordpress plugin. I’ll start on the theme shortly but the theme must conatain certain features that comply with the manufacturer’s branding guide lines, companies like Ford are very strict on these.
You can contact me directly through the contact form on my blog ( sorry not going to give me email out here ).