We do used Yoast 5.2, and now just upgraded to 5.3.2 using WordPress 4.8.1.
So your system requirements are fullfilled.
The hint seems to go to JavaScript:
But as far as I do understand the error correct this is only related to the link count. And the link count should not be related to the semantic counts.
var wpseoAdminL10n = {“variable_warning”:”Warnung: Die Variable %s<\/code> kann in diesem Template nicht genutzt werden. Schau ins Hilfe-Center f\u00fcr weitere Informationen.","contentLocale":"de_DE","userLocale":"de_DE","kb_found_results":"Anzahl der Suchergebnisse: %d","kb_no_results":"Keine Ergebnisse gefunden.","kb_heading":"Durchsuche die Yoast Wissensdatenbank","kb_search_button_text":"Suchen","kb_search_results_heading":"Suchergebnisse","kb_error_message":"Etwas ist schiefgelaufen. Bitte versuche es sp\u00e4ter erneut.","kb_loading_placeholder":"Lade...","kb_search":"suche","kb_back":"Zur\u00fcck","kb_back_label":"Zur\u00fcck zu den Suchergebnissen","kb_open":"Offen","kb_open_label":"\u00d6ffne die Artikel der Wissensdatenbank in einem neuen Fenster oder lies diese im iFrame unten.","kb_iframe_title":"Artikel der Wissensdatenbank"};
var wpseoSelect2Locale = "de";
Anyway the error should not be theme depended or related to the link count.
It would be very kindfull if you could check if there could be some optimization.
I would also like to support you in sending you the total text for further analysis or to provide you per PN or eMail with the direct URL if you like.
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by