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  • Hi Mail Poet,

    Something’s broken with the standard Mail Poet “Edit my profile” link in my site. It gives a “503 Service Temporarily Unavailable” error.

    All other links like unsuscribe, suscribe etc. work fine.

    I know I can direct to a new page of my own, but this does’nt really fit my needs – plus, I’m not comfortable having unexplained broken links in my letters..

    Any idea ?

    Sendgrid isn’t working, not sure what is going on I have gone over the setup process several times?

    Hey, if you need assistance, please create a new topic. That way we can cater to you individually!

    I am very disappointed, I am not getting support from mail poet.
    Mail poet is not working properly I think my newsletters are going into my subscribers spam.
    Now my mailpoet is sending my hundreds of bad e-mail paths?
    I have tried sendgrid but it does not work at all.The test e-mails do not go through.
    I was thinking of premium member but why would I pay for something that does not work?

    You can also shoot justified text ? Plugin great if you can get the text justified purchase option the Premium version



    I’m sure this is a common problem, but I need it explaining please. Its about Forms. When I go to display a form it overscales… if that the right term. When building the form its compact, the check boxes properly in line etc, fonts size looks too big, boxes to large. Here is an example. I took a screen print of the form as its built in mailform, then below how it looks. I guess I need to add some form of css styling but don’t know how to do it




    If you need assistance, please create a new topic!

    I have installed mail poet in my site, i want to show this subscription form in desired page where i need but it does not have an option to setup even there is no pop up too, so please kindly suggest me how to show this subscription form in a pop up box at desired page.

    Hi, all. I have read the related help files but need one thing clarified. I have a newsletter that goes out on the 1st of the month at 3 a.m., when there’s new content.

    Can someone please clarify for me what the criteria for “new content” is? Does this mean a blog post that was posted the same day the newsletter will be going out? OR, does it mean any post that has been published since the previous newsletter went out?

    Thanks in advance. I’m trying to figure out when to schedule my blog posts to ensure the newsletter WILL go out.

    Hi susansgarden

    it definitely is the second option,

    any post that has been published since the previous newsletter went out

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