You are right, we do NOT expose the readOnly property via the shortcodes. We have a LOT of properties, and we are only exposing the most used features.
If you are using [ratingwidget_raw] shortcode, you should follow the next steps:
- Open
- Search for
function rw_the_post_shortcode
- Change the whole function with the following code:
function rw_the_rating_shortcode( $atts ) {
RWLogger::LogEnterence( 'rw_the_rating_shortcode' );
if ( RWLogger::IsOn() ) {
RWLogger::Log( 'rw_the_rating_shortcode', var_export( $atts, true ) );
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'id' => 1,
'title' => '',
'permalink' => '',
'type' => 'blog-post',
'add_schema' => false,
'read_only' => false,
), $atts ) );
if ( is_string( $read_only ) ) {
$read_only = ( 'true' === strtolower( $read_only ) );
if ( is_string( $add_schema ) ) {
$add_schema = ( 'true' === strtolower( $add_schema ) );
return rw_get_rating( $id, $title, $permalink, $type, $add_schema, $read_only );
- Now search for
function rw_get_rating
and replace the function with:
function rw_get_rating( $urid, $title = '', $permalink = '', $class = 'blog-post', $schema = false, $read_only = false ) {
$options = array();
if ($read_only)
$options['read-only'] = 'true';
return ratingwidget()->EmbedRawRating($urid, $title, $permalink, $class, $schema, false, false, $options );
If you are using [ratingwidget], use similar principles. Let us know if that worked.