• Hi everyone
    So I am working on a wordpress site, and I am working with displayed category descriptions of the posts. So when you click on a category in my menu, you come to page with the overview of posts and a category description.

    What I really want to do is to just display some of the category description, with a “Read more/hide” button, that shows the rest of the category description using a nice javascript slide effect or something..

    Does anyone know how to help me with this?

    This is the code from my archive.php that displays the category description (in the bottom)

    <?php get_header(); ?>
        <h3 class="top_title">
            <?php if (is_category()) { ?>
                  <?php single_cat_title(); ?>
           <?php } elseif( is_tag() ) { ?>
                  <?php single_tag_title(); ?>
            <?php } elseif (is_day()) { ?>
                  <?php the_time('F jS, Y'); ?>
            <?php } elseif (is_month()) { ?>
                  <?php the_time('F, Y'); ?>
            <?php } elseif (is_year()) { ?>
                  <?php the_time('Y'); ?>
            <?php } elseif (is_author()) { ?>
                  Author Archive
            <?php } elseif (isset($_GET['paged']) && !empty($_GET['paged'])) { ?>
                  Blog Archives
            <?php } ?>
        <div id="content_inside">
        global $wp_query;
        $args = array_merge( $wp_query->query, array( 'posts_per_page' => 9 ) );
        query_posts( $args );
        $x = 0;
        while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
            <?php if($x == 2 || $x == 5 || $x == 8 || $x == 11 || $x == 14 || $x == 17 || $x == 20 || $x == 23 || $x == 26 || $x == 29 || $x == 32 || $x == 35 || $x == 38 || $x == 41 || $x == 44) { ?>
                <div class="home_post_box home_post_box_last">
            <?php } else { ?>
                <div class="home_post_box">
            <?php } ?>
                <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="home_post_text_back"></a>
                <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail('home-image'); ?></a>
                <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="home_post_text">
                    <h3><?php the_title(); ?></h3>
            <?php if($x == 2 || $x == 5 || $x == 8 || $x == 11 || $x == 14 || $x == 17 || $x == 20 || $x == 23 || $x == 26 || $x == 29 || $x == 32 || $x == 35 || $x == 38 || $x == 41 || $x == 44) { ?>
                <div class="clear"></div>
         <?php } ?>
        <?php $x++; ?>
        <?php endwhile; ?>
        <div class="clear"></div>
        <div class="clear"></div>
        <div align="center" class="load_more_cont"><?php next_posts_link(' ') ?></div>
        <?php wp_reset_query(); ?>                        
    <?php echo category_description(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
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