• Using Suffusion 3.4.0.

    The ‘read more’ link on pages listing excerpts just returns to the same (parent) page – not the article.

    Any ideas please?



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  • Unless you provide a link to your site, no one will be able to offer much in the way of specific help.

    I have the same issue. There is a link but it goes nowhere. Although the URL ends with /#more-147.

    The url

    Here’s the code:

    <?php global $more; $more = false; ?>
    <?php $more = 0; ?>
    <?php the_content(' Continue reading '.get_the_title()); ?>
    <?php $more = true; ?>

    This post is for the Suffusion theme, which is not something you are using.

    What ever u do, <!--more--> would not work in page. I see no point of having it to work in page.

    I think what you guys looking for is a teaser-like read more, which is JavaScript. Try searching in extend/plugins.

    @sayontan @zeo Sorry. thanks for clarifying this for me.

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