• Resolved LaLaLaLaura


    First, is there a way to remove the “Read More” button completely from the portfolio page entries? I’d rather use just the project title or insert a link manually into the description.

    Secondly, on the actual portfolio post page, is there a way to get rid of the sidebar/widget area running along the bottom? There are no template options for this post type in the dashboard, and it is unnecessary for my purposes.

    Thanks! I only just installed the plugin, but so far I think it’s what I needed!


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  • Plugin Author bestwebsoft


    Hi LaLaLaLaura,

    1) In order to remove “Read More” it is necessary to make changes to file portfolio.php, that is located in the folder with your theme (path wp-content/themes/your_theme_name).

    Find line
    <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php _e( 'Read more', 'portfolio' ); ?></a>

    and change it for
    <!--<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php _e( 'Read more', 'portfolio' ); ?></a>-->

    2) In order to change the position of the sidebar it is necessary to do the following in portfolio.php and portfolio-post.php files, that are located in the folder with your theme (path wp-content/themes/your_theme_name):

    find line
    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    and put it in the necessary place in the template.

    if you want to remove the sidebar, the line is to be changed for

    <?php /* get_sidebar(); */ ?>

    or remove it at all.

    BestWebSoft Support Team

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