WP excerpt:
I have checked that code and for some reason the WP function get_the_exerpt or even get_excerpt doesn’t echo the more link. Seams it becomes a default WP behavior in this case.
The excerpt can be done this way too:
“..it will display an automatic excerpt which refers to the first 55 words of the post’s content. “..if the excerpt field is not actually used, if it is used then it will use this text.
…anyway I have mimicked the expected behavior in next release (
seams like you hit this problem
the case is that the way how it should be done is this
code: wp_pagenavi( array( ‘query’ => $my_query ) );
Easy does this:
wp_pagenavi( array( ‘query’ => $easy_query ) );
Which is exactly how it should be, so if it produces any unexpected result, well I think there is a problem on the side of WP-pagenavi.
note: the wp-pagenavi will work with easy if you use the wp_pagenavi brick in the Easy widget.. which actually gives the wp-pagenavi right query object as mentioned above. In other words, do not use the code in the template, it will not work as expected.