• Resolved mariusmemberfix



    I am experiencing an issue with my custom WordPress theme where I use React to create a custom component. Specifically, I encounter problems when trying to insert this component on the user edit page using the “edit_user_profile” action.

    Here are the details of the issue:

    • Problem: When inserting the React component on the user edit page, elements from the WordPress React Library, such as ToggleControl, are not working. I receive the following error: “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘ToggleControl’)”. Additionally, apiFetch is not functioning as expected on this page.
    • Working Scenario: Interestingly, the same React component works perfectly when used on a LearnDash course page.

    I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions you can provide to resolve this issue. Specifically, I would like to understand:

    1. Why the React components from the WordPress library are not recognized on the user edit page.
    2. How I can properly include and utilize these components in this context.

    Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to your response.



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  • How do you integrate your scripts into the backend? Do you also use the dependencies as generated by npm? An example would be great.

    Thread Starter mariusmemberfix


    Hi @threadi ,
    Thank you for your reply.

    // this is the index.js
    import { CourseBuilder, LessonsList, UserSettings, UserProfile } from './components';
    import React from "react"
    import ReactDOM from "react-dom"
    import domReady from '@wordpress/dom-ready';
    import { createRoot } from '@wordpress/element';

    domReady( () => {

    const courseBuilderRoot = document.querySelector("#course-builder-root");

    if(courseBuilderRoot) {
    const courseRoot = createRoot(courseBuilderRoot);
    courseRoot.render(<LessonsList />);

    const studentBuilderRoot = document.querySelector("#student-builder-root");
    if (studentBuilderRoot) {
    const studentRoot = createRoot(studentBuilderRoot);
    studentRoot.render(<UserSettings />);

    } );

    // this is the index.js
    import { CourseBuilder, LessonsList, UserSettings, UserProfile } from './components';
    import React from "react"
    import ReactDOM from "react-dom"
    import domReady from '@wordpress/dom-ready';
    import { createRoot } from '@wordpress/element';

    domReady( () => {

    const courseBuilderRoot = document.querySelector("#course-builder-root");

    if(courseBuilderRoot) {
    const courseRoot = createRoot(courseBuilderRoot);
    courseRoot.render(<LessonsList />);

    const studentBuilderRoot = document.querySelector("#student-builder-root");
    if (studentBuilderRoot) {
    const studentRoot = createRoot(studentBuilderRoot);
    studentRoot.render(<UserSettings />);

    } );

    //down below is the code that goes to functions.php
    function display_courses_with_checkboxes($user) {
    $enrolled_courses_ids = learndash_user_get_enrolled_courses($user->ID);

    if (!empty($enrolled_courses_ids)) {
    echo '<h3>Show Solutions for LearnDash Courses</h3>';
    echo '<div id="student-builder-root"></div>';


    wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-components' );

    add_action('show_user_profile', 'display_courses_with_checkboxes');
    add_action('edit_user_profile', 'display_courses_with_checkboxes');

    I don’t see in the code that the JavaScript file is included anywhere? You are only loading the styles for WP-React Components, nothing more. You would have to use wp_enqueue_script() somewhere to load your script.

    Thread Starter mariusmemberfix


    @threadi yes, the code is down below.

    function boilerplate_load_assets() {
    wp_enqueue_script('mainjs', get_theme_file_uri('/build/index.js'), array('wp-element', 'wp-dom-ready'), '1.0', true);
    wp_enqueue_style('maincss', get_theme_file_uri('/build/index.css'));

    add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'boilerplate_load_assets');

    Add react to the dependencies. For example:

      wp_enqueue_script('mainjs', get_theme_file_uri('/build/index.js'), array('react', 'wp-element', 'wp-dom-ready'), '1.0', true);

    Also note that your handle is very general (“mainjs”). I would recommend using the plugin name or something custom here. For one of my plugins, the dependencies are set like this:

     wp_enqueue_script('my-plugin-name', get_theme_file_uri('/build/index.js'), array('react', 'wp-components'), '1.0', true);
    Thread Starter mariusmemberfix


    So I added the dependencies, but the issue is still there.
    The libraries are not loading.

    Here is the controls.jsx file

    import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
    import {
    } from '@wordpress/components';

    const MessageControl = ( { value, onChange } ) => {
    return (
    label={ __( 'Message', 'demnme-learning' ) }
    value={ value }
    onChange={ onChange }

    const DisplayControl = ( { value, onChange, label } ) => {
    return (
    checked={ value }
    label={ label }
    onChange={ onChange }

    const DisplayControlCheck = ({ value, onChange, label }) => {
    return (
    <div className="custom-toggle-control">
    style={{ marginLeft: '8px' }}

    export { MessageControl, DisplayControl, DisplayControlCheck };

    What is really weird is that the same component works fine on the LearnDash course page, but on user edit page is broken.

    This is not so unusual if LearnDash loads the required React components, but WordPress does not by default.

    What does your wp_enqueue_script() specification currently look like? Since a component is currently missing, it might make sense to adjust the dependency as I have described above. E.g. like this:

    wp_enqueue_script('mainjs', get_theme_file_uri('/build/index.js'), array('react', 'wp-components'), '1.0', true);
    Thread Starter mariusmemberfix



    Thank you so much; it worked!

    Now the components are loading as they should.

    Nice if I could help. You are welcome to set the topic to solved.

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