re: Suggestion for Parent Comments
Once again, amazing plugin. Keep up the incredible work (actually bought some of the premium features the other day).
One suggestions for Parent Comments:
Right now, you have the option to Display only parent comments and view replies ∨ button, and the user must click on a link “Show Replies” to see replies for Parent Comments.The problem is that when this option is enabled, no replies show up at all, and it’s difficult for the user to even know there are replies to a parent comment.
I suggest modifying this option slightly or at least offering an option to allow at least 3 replies to a parent comment to be shown on the page, with the “Show More Replies” showing up after the 1st 3 replies to a parent comment. This is how most websites deal with this issue. They show a few replies to a parent comment, and then they have a link to show more replies to this parent. This is a good compromise to help speed up the page load, better organize the page, and yet also make it say for users to see which comments have replies.
Please consider adding this.
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