• Moderator James Huff


    Everybody’s got a gimmick. Blogging Pro has themes organized by release date with thumbnail previews. How to Blog has over 170 themes organized by title. And, Shadow has themes organized by title with “a huge list of themes in use on site.”

    If you notice one thing in common about those three lists, it’s that they all have something to bring to the table. If you want thumbnail previews, go to Blogging Pro’s list. If you want possibly the largest and most comprehensive WordPress themes list, go to How to Blog’s list. And, if you want to see live demos, go to Shadow’s list. Well, it’s about time our own list brought something to the table. I present to you the new Codex Theme List, now organized by column count.

    Please keep in mind that we are all volunteers here. Personally, I do my best to keep the Codex list up to date, but I do miss some themes. The Codex is a community effort. If your theme is not listed on the Codex list, you can always add it yourself. The same goes for making URL changes (if your site moves, for example). You can add your theme to the other lists by notifying their authors.

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  • Kafkaesqui


    Whoa, good work mm.

    Moderator James Huff


    Thanks, Kaf. I feel good knowing that I accomplished something today.



    Thanks for updating the Codex! Prolly means I’ll have to update my list again…

    My aim is to eventually create a WordPress powered blog that demos all of the themes, reviews them, provides thumbnails, etc. But right now it’s taking up all my spare time just putting the list of all of ’em together. Just crossed the 200 mark!

    Just want to reiterate my big thanks to all of the theme developers for their contributions and hard work! I’d been wanting to make the move to WP, but was overwhelmed by the amount of PHP and CSS I’d need to know in order to customize the look and feel of my site. Now I can pick from a gazillion theme choices, and learn how to customize them even more in my own sweet time – sweet!



    Thanks for that. What about themes that switch the number of cols as they transition through the front page and on into content / comments ?
    eg 3/2 cols ? ??

    Moderator James Huff


    What about themes that switch the number of cols as they transition through the front page and on into content / comments ?

    That’s already planned for the next time I have two consecutive free hours … Sometime in July.



    Just getting set up to launch Aphrodite ??



    oh my god thats bloody fantastic!!!! do you make coffee too?



    hey, root thats the second time you’re talked about two/three column changing layouts, care to show an example?



    It looks like you are on top of it when it comes to maintaining the list of themes macmanx. Good job ??

    As you know, it is a time-consuming process and one which I would prefer to leave to someone else. At the time of my compiling the list on my site, I felt there was a need for it [for myself if no-one else]. However, with so many lists becoming available I will now stop maintaining mine and redirect people to the codex instead.

    Also, as you have pointed out, there are others who seem to be keen to have the biggest and best list. This was never my aim and indeed, the process meant I had to change servers at one point due to the influx of visitors to the site.

    Good luck with keeping the list up to date and perhaps if you are really lucky, the others might join forces with you and help you to maintain the codex, as opposed to everyone running round waving their own banners.

    Thanks ??

    Moderator James Huff


    Thanks for the compliments, Shadow. Will you at least continue to host the various themes with the theme-switcher plugin?



    Fantastic work Macmanx!

    I think that asking or expecting Shadow to host the theme switcher could be too much – after all like he said he has had hosting problems already.

    What people need to remember is this:
    Switching in and out of a template is very very easy. Take the time to download one, unzip and upload to YOUR blog and see what it is like. It’s all too easy to sit there slowly eating bandwidth and processor time at someone else’s cost just to “have a look at one more”.

    And if you want to know about any possible issues with any theme (they will always crop up) then SEARCH here.



    A work in progress. Aphrodite. Nothing fancy.



    I just want to say that I never meant to step on anybody’s toes in creating my post that lists every WP 1.5 theme I could find. It started out because I had visited the Codex, Alex King’s site, Shadow’s site, BloggingPro, etc, and saw that in no place did there exist a single source for all available WP themes.

    I wanted such a list for myself, for reference, and decided it’d be beneficial to the community to make such a list public. I also gave thanks to the above mentioned sites because without them, it would have taken me a hell of a lot longer to compile the list (and believe me, it is TIME CONSUMING!!!). I’ve also been scouring forums, blogs, etc in my quest to find more themes. Because I think a need for such a list exists. And yes, the more noble thing for me to do would be to just regularly update the codex – but it’s non-html way of formatting makes that an even more tedious job (so MAJOR props to macmanx for all the time spent updating the Codex) – since I’ve started my list, I’ve barely been able to get any work of my own done. Nevermind my aspirations to eventually put together a WP 1.5 powered site that not only lists all the themes, but demos them and has thumbnails, etc. That can’t be done in the codex. And I’ll be the first to admit that I wanted credit for my work, and that it has turned out to be a great way to promote my own blog on ‘How to Blog’ (which, I feel, is a great source of information for those who are trying to learn how to blog and deserves a little exposure).

    But my aim wasn’t to compete with the other lists, just fill a void. And I’d be thrilled if others like Shadow and Blogging Pro would like to collaborate on creating a WP Theme specific site that combines the best features of all lists. The hosting package I’ve got has me pre-paying for loads more bandwidth that I’ve yet to use, so at I can afford for people to play around with the themes on my server (once I install them on my server…)

    I certainly meant any disrespect to the others who maintain their own lists of WordPress Themes, rather my appreciation goes out to them. Nor would I say that my list is the ‘Best’ (just the most comprehensive). I’m truly sorry if anyone ever thought otherwise.

    Moderator James Huff


    I think that asking or expecting Shadow to host the theme switcher could be too much – after all like he said he has had hosting problems already.

    I agree. I was just asking, sorry.

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