I originally could not re-order my testimonials in spite of having read in your FAQ’s that it was possible, so I started a topic. But I kept looking and finally found that there is an option that has to be selected to make re-ordering possible. When I found the solution I submitted the second post to say thank you, I found the problem and I changed the status to resolved.
However, after re-ordering my testimonials I found that there is no “Save” button, and the testimonials on the front end do not reflect the new order I created on the back end.
Since I could still edit both posts on this forum, and I had solved the first issue, I thought it would be most efficient if I simply changed the original issue to the current issue, and re-open the ticket, which I have done.
Unfortunately I could not delete my second post.
So please, how do I save the re-ordered testimonials?
I have cleared cache and deactivated WP-Rocket, dumped history in two browsers, but the plugin is not saving the new order.