So i deleted these records in the option table:
seo_ultimate_module_404s a:6:{s:10:”exceptions”;s:66:”*/favicon.ico*/apple…
seo_ultimate_module_settings a:2:{s:16:”attribution_link”;b:0;s:14:”plugin_noti…
seo_ultimate_module_internal-link-aliases a:1:{s:9:”alias_dir”;s:2:”go”;}
seo_ultimate_module_linkbox a:1:{s:4:”html”;s:298:”<div class=”su-linkbox” id=…
seo_ultimate_module_meta a:4:{s:32:”home_description_tagline_default”;b:1;s…
seo_ultimate_module_more-links a:1:{s:7:”default”;s:45:”Continue reading “{…
seo_ultimate_module_rich-snippets a:2:{s:6:”format”;s:2:”mf”;s:12:”review_terms”;s:1…
seo_ultimate_module_sharing-buttons a:3:{s:8:”provider”;s:4:”none”;s:14:”sharethis_cod…
seo_ultimate_module_slugs a:1:{s:15:”words_to_remove”;s:4221:”a able about a…
seo_ultimate_module_autolinks a:13:{s:17:”enable_self_links”;b:0;s:24:”enable_cu…
seo_ultimate_module_user-code a:1:{s:14:”global_wp_head”;s:0:””;}
What do i have to change or delete in WordPress so i can re-install SEO ultimate again? I assume the plugin changed some files within wordpress?
All i see now, when i activate SEO Ultimate, is a white admin screen without any options, and on the front side i only see a header and a footer. the rest is the color of my body…
Maybe i have to say this also: I installed it before and it worked! So it’s no memory issue i’ll guess…