Haha, so I found the wrong Daryl… ??
Hey here’s my quick little tutorial for what it’s worth:
First of all, thank you Daryll from Automattic (makers of WordPress) for doing all the changes on the posterous importer and the work on the posterous media plugin.
Without him, this solution would not exist.
Using this method with the plugins we propose will allow you to transfer all your files (images, videos and audio files) and your comments. All images will be transferred at their highest resolution. There is only one little hiccup to all this.
Because of how the posterous API works, some of the images are rotated. You will then need to go into each post with rotated images and rotate them back to normal. The alternative would be to have lower resolution pictures in every post which wasn’t good enough for me.
So, what you need:
1. A posterous site
2. A hosted www.remarpro.com site
3. A Theme
I used a free wordpress theme called Stumblr.
It has the look and feel of a posterous blog but there are lots of other great wordpress blogging themes out there.
4. Download and upload the “Viper’s Video Quicktags” wordpress plugin to wp-content/plugins. Which allows to view mov video files in wordpress.
5. Download and upload the “Jetpack” wordpress plugin to wp-content/plugins.
Which allows to view audio files in wordpress.
6. Download and upload the “GPP Slideshow” wordpress plugin to wp-content/plugins.
Which will allow to view your pictures just like in posterous with almost the same slideshow.
7. Download and upload the new beta “Posterous importer” wordpress plugin to wp-content/plugins.
8. Download and upload the “Posterous media” wordpress plugin to wp-content/plugins.
9. Login to your hosted site and activate these plugins: GPP Slideshow, Jetpack, Posterous importer, Posterous Importer Media Shortcodes and Viper’s Video Quicktags.
10. Click on Options for GPP Slideshow and set a Slidshow Display Time of 100000.
Also check the Slideshow on all pages checkmark. Save Changes.
It will tell you that you need to Update Permalinks Now. Click on that button. I set my Permalinks to Post name type the Save Changes.
11. In order to allow the Gallery Slideshow on your index page you need to do a little hack.
Open the file wp-content/plugins/gpp-slideshow/css/style.css and add this code at the end of it.
/* index page fix */
.flexslider {float: left;}
.flexslider li, .flexslider ul {padding:0px !important;}
.flexslider .slides li .flex-caption {padding:10px 4px !important;}
.slides, .flex-control-nav, .flexslider .flex-direction-nav {margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important;}
12. In order to have the thumbnails show by default open the “wp-content/plugins/gpp-slideshow/gpp_functions.php” file and change the two instances of this line:
?????echo ‘<ul class=”gpp_slideshow_thumbnails” style=”display:none”>’,”\n”;
to this
?????echo ‘<ul class=”gpp_slideshow_thumbnails” style=”display:block”>’,”\n”;
13. Do the import!
The import might take a while. Let it do it’s thing. Sometimes it won’t go all the way. I learned to just walk away from my computer and let it do it’s thing. I must have re imported my posterous site at least 40 times and maybe 4 or 5 times it didn’t go all the way to the end.
Now a few things you need to know.
Once you do the import, some of your pictures will be sideways or even upside down. This is just the way it is. Daryl says there’s nothing they can do about it. It’s just the way posterous handled pictures.
Another thing that the importer will not do is size properly all the iPhone vertical movies if you have any of these. So you need to go in manually on each post with these.
Something else to figure out before you launch the importer is what size you want your movies to be. I used 580 by 326 just because it looked right in my theme but you can use something else. I was just going for the posterous look. You can edit those settings in the posterous media.php file before you do the import.
Another thing that Daryl might need to fix but we never got around it was that all my posts with movies in them have a [gallery] short code attached to them. I had to manually deleted them all.
I didn’t have any tags or categories in posterous so I had to add all those manually too.
I hope this helps.
I’m very happy with the import.
Much less happy with the speed of wordpress. It’s the slowest kind of environment I’ve ever worked with. You have to jump through hoops to get your site to load in less than 4 seconds. It’s crazy.
For example, just by turning off the jetpack plugin, my site started loading 5 seconds faster. Yes 5…. So I’m in the search for another audio plugin that will work with the audio short code.
I’m sure I forgot a lot but this is the basics of the import.
Oh yeah, one more thing. I had problems dealing with all new movies imported from my now iPhone 5.
I decided to go with html5 and for some reason that only works well in Safari, otherwise the movies are upside down.
One more thing. GPP Slideshow works great in browsers but on iOS, it will only work if there’s one instance of it on the page.
So it’ll work great on a single post with a single instance of GPP Slideshow but on the main index page with maybe sometimes 3 or 4 slideshows it will not work. You’ll only see the first picture.
Okay, I’m done.