Sorry – I’ll try that again. I can change the colour of “Back to top” with:
footer#footer .colophon .pull-right a {
color: #8f48e2;
But all my attempts to relatively re-position it to match the centre positions of the other footer elements (social icons and credits) have failed. This does move it to exactly where I want it on a wide viewport but it breaks it into two lines on laptop screens and smaller (suggesting that I actually want it to float left within what I assume is a 150px wide container down there):
footer#footer .colophon .pull-right a {
padding-right: 150px;
Of the other options I have played with:
does nothing
does nothing
does nothing
does nothing; and
moves it to the left of the page
I’ve been searching the code for other elements to target instead and found something called a modal-footer, whatever that is. But it had some text right-alignment applied to it so I tried:
.modal-footer {
text-align: left;
…and that did nothing (that I could see).
I’m hoping someone will know the answer. It isn’t even logical (to me) that this element should be aligned to the right when the other two elements in the white footer are centred within their spans.