• Hello everyone

    I’ve installed a LAMP server on my Raspberrypi. All was working fine using this tutorial – https://pchelp.ricmedia.com/setup-lamp-server-raspberry-pi-3-complete-diy-guide/2/

    I created a duck.dns (davidhallows.duckdns.org) that points to my external ip address, to resolve the dynamic issue. I also put an A host record onto my external ip, from my domain (davidhallows.com) provider, also working fine. I then redirected my domain to point a CNAME to the duck domain and it’s crashed the whole thing…it could be that it’s taking a while to resolve/bed in but it doesn’t seem right. I can’t login anywhere, just get a stripped back page and then the wp-admin page says “This site can’t be reached davidhallows.com’s server IP address could not be found.”

    Do I need to change this in the wp-config.php file, at the minute they are both pointing to davidhallows.com. Does the second one need the internal pi ip?;

    ? The “Site Address (URL)” setting is the address you want people to type in their browser to reach your WordPress blog.
    ? The “WordPress Address (URL)” setting is the address where your WordPress core files reside.

    Many thanks!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I’m in Virginia and I looked at your DNS records for your domain which points at the IP address of If I try your domain name, davidhallows.com, in my browser I get a ‘davidhallows.com’s server IP address could not be found’ which tells me there isn’t an IP address for the domain name without the ‘www’.

    If I put the IP address into my browser I see the WordPress install which I’m guessing is your RaspberryPi! That WordPress thinks it is on the root domain without the ‘www’ so you need to add the www to the WordPress’ Site Address.

    Once you set that I expect the WordPress to work but your WordPress Address might still need a tweak, possibly to account for the subdirectory your WordPress might be installed in.

    Anyway, give that a try.

    BTW: the error you see, ‘davidhallows.com’s server IP address could not be found’, is not coming off your WordPress install nor your server. That is the DNS resolver reporting what it doesn’t know since it can’t find an IP address for that server under that root domain.

    I used this tool to look at your DNS…


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by JNashHawkins.
    Thread Starter lem232323


    Thanks Jnash

    I’ll give that a go and let you know.

    Thread Starter lem232323



    Be gods it worked!! Thankyou soooo much ?? I used Filezilla to login and added www. to the main site folder name and changed the site and wordpress urls in the wp-config file. yay.

    My ssl seems to have dropped off as it’s now lost it’s lock icon, I’ll have a fiddle there and it’ll be perfecto.


    I was able to ignore the security warning (for the https) and look over the website and I even left you a comment on the ‘Hello World’ page.

    That is pretty cool seeing a Raspberry Pi based locally hosted WordPress.

    You need to deal with the security issue for the www version of the domain or run that as the root domain maybe.

    But it’s useable now.

    I’m gonna grab me a Raspberry one of these days and build one myself… but there’s a zillion other projects ahead of that. Anyway, Have fun!!!

    Thread Starter lem232323


    Hi Jnash

    I seem to have fully botched this. I tried generating the ssl certificates in the same way as I had previously. Unfortnately it’s completely locked me out, grrrrrrr. I don’t suppose you know much about this type of problem? It’s giving me a ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

    on all pages…


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