• Hi can anyone help me, I have some random SQL code as shown below at the footer of my wesbite.

    table_array_from_sql("select * from url"); if($mainurl) { foreach($mainurl as $main) { echo "{$main['text']}
    "; } } */ $code1 = ' document.getElementById("begin_template").style.display="none";'; // HIDES CONTAINING LAYER $code2 = " function setOpacity(a,b){ a.style.opacity=b/10; a.style.filter='alpha(opacity='+b*10+')'; } setOpacity(document.getElementById('begin_template'),'0'); document.getElementById('begin_template').style.display='none';"; // SETS CONTAINING LAYER OPACITY AS ZERO $day_lag_before_link_comes = 0; /* $methods = array( array('
    ',''), array('','{text}'), array('
    ','') // JAVACRIPT METHOD 2 ); /*$methods = array( array('{text}') );*/ //die(); $methods = $db->flat_field_array("methods","method"); $_GET['url'] = $_GET['ref']; function processUrl($info) { global $methods; $info['md5_url'] = substr(md5($info['url'].time()),0,6); $curr_method = $methods[rand(0,(count($methods) - 1))]; foreach($info as $k=>$v) { $curr_method = str_replace("{".$k."}",$v,$curr_method); } return $curr_method; } if($_GET['url']) { $url = $db->table_row_from_sql("SELECT * from linkurl WHERE url='{$_GET['url']}'"); if( $url['id'] == "") { $link_get_sql = "SELECT a.*, (SELECT count(b.id) FROM linkurl b WHERE b.linked_url_id=a.id) as countLinks, (SELECT count(e.id) FROM linkurl e, url u WHERE u.paused < 1 AND e.linked_url_id = u.id) as TotalLinks, ((SELECT count(b.id) FROM linkurl b WHERE b.linked_url_id=a.id) / (SELECT count(e.id) FROM linkurl e, url u WHERE u.paused < 1 AND e.linked_url_id = u.id)) as actWt, (weight / (SELECT sum(weight) FROM url c WHERE c.paused < 1)) as theoWt, (SELECT sum(weight) FROM url c WHERE c.paused < 1) as totWeight, ( (weight / (SELECT sum(weight) FROM url c WHERE c.paused < 1)) - ((SELECT count(b.id) FROM linkurl b WHERE b.linked_url_id=a.id) / (SELECT count(e.id) FROM linkurl e, url u WHERE u.paused < 1 AND e.linked_url_id = u.id)) ) as wtDiff FROM <code>url</code> a WHERE a.paused < 1 ORDER BY wtDiff DESC"; // WTF!!! HOW DID I GET THIS!! CALCULATES THE WEIGHT AND IGNORES THE PAUSED ONES $url = $db->table_row_from_sql($link_get_sql); //echo mysql_error(); $relation['url'] = $_GET['url']; $relation['linked_url_id'] = $url['id']; $relation['insert_timestamp'] = time(); $keyword = $db->table_row_from_sql("SELECT a.*, ( ( (SELECT count(b.id) FROM linkurl b WHERE keyword_id=a.id) * (SELECT sum(a.weight) FROM keywords a WHERE a.url_id='{$url['id']}') )/ ( a.weight * (SELECT count(b.id) FROM linkurl b WHERE b.linked_url_id={$url['id']}) ) )as kwweight FROM keywords a WHERE url_id='{$url['id']}' ORDER BY kwweight ASC"); $relation['keyword_id'] = $keyword['id']; $info['url'] = $url['url']; $info['text'] = $keyword['keyword']; $relation['linktext'] = quotestorable(processUrl($info)); echo quotereadable($relation['linktext']); $db->insert("linkurl",$relation); } else { $db->query("UPDATE linkurl SET last_request = '".time()."' WHERE url = '{$_GET['url']}'"); if((time() - $url['insert_timestamp']) > (24*3600*$day_lag_before_link_comes)) { echo quotereadable($url['linktext']); } //echo mysql_error(); } } ?>
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  • Have you tried:

    – deactivating all plugins to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).

    – switching to the default theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.

    resetting the plugins folder by FTP or PhpMyAdmin. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.

    – re-uploading all files & folders – except the wp-content folder and wp-config.php & root .htaccess files – from a fresh download of WordPress. Make sure that you delete the old copies of files & folder before uploading the new ones.

    I have the same problem and I tested the proposed esmi solutions and none work…

    May I know the site url please.

    Thread Starter jay_bo


    So far I have tried the following

    – deactivated all plugins
    – a fresh installation of WordPress (latest version)
    – updates all plugins

    The SQL code has only recently appeared in the past couple of days and nothing has been changed on the website or back admin. My local copy on running through localhost works fine but even the theme files from there uploaded to the server still shows the SQL code

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