• Resolved aerolin



    I have put the post to display in random. But I only want the 5 lasted post to be displayed in random order. I s that possible? I see there is a pro version of this plugin where did I find that?

    THanks in advanced

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Kybernetik Services


    Hi @aerolin.
    Yes, you can check the checkbox “Show posts in random order?” to get the posts displayed in random order. It is the second checkbox below Display Options of the widget.

    Thread Starter aerolin



    Yes that I already have done. But my wondering is if there is possible to set a nummer of how many post I want to show. I will set a maximum to. 5 latest post.

    Plugin Author Kybernetik Services


    @aerolin The way I understand this, you want to select the last 5 posts to get a series of random posts out of them. Right?
    No, this is not possible. Random means to get random posts of all posts. There is no limitation.

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