Hey. Thanks very much for this. I really appreciate it.
Initial tests seem good : )
To be used in conjunction with this plugin:
Which provides a random sorting order to products in WooCommerce and eliminates duplicate products in pagination. It does this by caching the random seed for one hour. This obviously doesn’t carry over to WOOF, which has it’s own random order. So …
For anyone else, add
case 'random_order':
to the index.php file of WOOF plugin (**remember this will be overwritten in any update)
Around line 1882, like this:
switch ($orderby) {
case 'random_order':
case 'price-desc':
$orderby = "meta_value_num {$wpdb->posts}.ID";
$order = 'DESC';
$meta_key = '_price';
Then, within the WOOF shortcode on your page, add something like this:
[woof is_ajax=1 taxonomies=product_cat:96]
[woof_products taxonomies=product_cat:96 orderby=random_order per_page=24 ]
This will only display category 96 (or whatever cat number(s) you specify.
Then the woof_products shortcode uses the random order set by the other plugin and only displays 24 products per page. Then, the same random seed is used for any subsequent paginated pages. After an hour, the randomness with change on page refresh for another hour.
Thanks for an excellent plugin and great help. I appreciate your time. Cheers
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by