Random logouts
The Salesforce extension for Gravity Forms is logging out of Salesforce frequently (daily ore more) on the five WordPress sites we maintain for advertising tracking. This only began when we went from one site to five. The logs (see below) suggest this might be avoided by setting the Refresh Token Policy to “Refresh token is valid until revoked”. But in the Salesforce admin view, the plugin doesn’t show under Connected Apps, which is where one can edit that setting, and there are no configuration options for the plugin under Connected Apps OAuth Usage.
2017-01-17 5:31:54.572107 – ERROR –> get_api(): There was an error getting the connection to Salesforce. The error message was: INVALID_SESSION_ID: This session is not valid for use with the API
Here’s the exception: SoapFault Object
[message:protected] => INVALID_SESSION_ID: This session is not valid for use with the API
[string:Exception:private] =>
[code:protected] => 0
[file:protected] => /var/www/cms-prod/archives/2017-01-17-101854-cms-1484666628/wp-content/plugins/gravity-forms-salesforce/lib/Force.com-Toolkit-for-PHP/soapclient/SforceBaseClient.php
[line:protected] => 875
[trace:Exception:private] => Array2017-01-17 5:31:54.572552 – ERROR –> get_api(): The access token has expired; fetching a refresh token.
2017-01-17 5:31:54.893064 – ERROR –> refreshToken(): Refreshing access token failed. Here is the error type: OAuth\Common\Http\Exception\TokenResponseException
2017-01-17 5:31:54.893346 – ERROR –> get_api(): The refreshToken call has failed. This may be due to your Salesforce Instance “Refresh Token Policy”. If it is not set to “Refresh token is valid until revoked” (the default), that can cause problems.
2017-01-17 5:31:54.893548 – ERROR –> See https://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/packagingGuide/Content/connected_app_manage_edit.htm#oauth_policies for more information.
2017-01-17 5:31:54.898062 – ERROR –> api_is_valid(): $api is string or has an error:
2017-01-17 5:31:54.898317 – ERROR –> export(): Invalid API.
2017-01-17 5:32:52.286129 – ERROR –> get_api(): There was an error getting the connection to Salesforce. The error message was: INVALID_SESSION_ID: This session is not valid for use with the API
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