• Theme Author nobita


    I consider the current measures, but the cause has not become clear.

    Although we considered an update to revert to the previous version 1.429,

    For sites that are currently operating normally, we found that there is a possibility to cause a new problem.

    Please try the following things when a problem is out by the update.


    delete_option('raindrops_theme_settings');  // ADD 
    remove_theme_mods();						// ADD 
     * @package Raindrops
     * @since Raindrops 0.1
    if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

    Once Show blog. remove above codes.
    Note: all current theme setting is gone
    Since there is also when operating in only Step2, if you are a large number of custom settings, first please try the only Step2

    dashboard / Appearance / Customize /
    Presentation / Color Scheme /

    Color Type: Once, select the other color type, back to the current color type

    Site that was able to reproduce the error in my environment, worked successfully in this process

    For faults that are currently happening, if anyone have something solutions, please reply.

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  • Hi,
    I’m not sure if I did what you are asking but what I did do was to add that code to both a site that had been updated to the update a day or two ago and to a site that had not been updated for three weeks and it made no difference on either site.

    Theme Author nobita


    If your functions.php and add the following code, please delete.

    This is your own code for the test.

    $raindrops_setting_type	= apply_filters('raindrops_theme_data_store', 'theme_mod' );

    Your irritation can understand, but I also like the hamster, I continue to test

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by nobita.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by nobita.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by nobita.

    Didn’t work!

    I can’t understand why thousands of people aren’t having this problem especially after the last update that even made it worse for me.

    So if others are not having problems I can just go on with another theme and quit bothering you.
    Thank you

    Theme Author nobita


    BUG fixed version 1.433 of raindrops.

    Please update

    Thank you.

    Not fixed.

    Theme Author nobita



    Not fixed ?


    Dashboard / Appearance / Customize

    Data stored:option has been displayed ? or not

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by nobita.

    Modifying functions.php allowed customize to be manageable. Customizing Custom Color Settings removes all other layout configurations.

    I deleted everything in my child theme and started new.

    Whats code for translucent slide bar?

    Very Frustrating. Settings revert on their own. Header image disappears then re-appears. Site Tag line set to hide. Now Will not hide again. Font colors resetting to default every other save and publish.

    Why will customization settings not save and stick????

    Yup. Customization settings are not sticking

    It is being displayed.

    What is it for?

    Settings are still reverting to default.

    I have put Raindrops back on two of my sites and am finding that the settings are holding now so far.

    With this new update, my colors are reverting to default. Not sure what the update was supposed to do, but it really screwed up my site. Please REVERT it back!!!!

    Theme Author nobita


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