• Resolved lucky_sevenf


    Great plugin!

    I am using the following shortcode:
    [wp_charts title=”radarchart” type=”radar” align=”center” margin=”5px 20px” width=”auto” datasets=”40, 30, 30, 40, 20, 20, 30, 40 next 40, 30, 30, 40, 20, 20, 30, 40″ labels=”Fragrance ?? ??, Aroma ? ??, Acidity ??, Bitter ??, Sweet ??, Body ???, Balance ??, After Taste ???” colors=”#CEBC17″]

    to generate the following radar chart:

    If you take a closer look, Aroma and Acidity numbers are 30 but they look like 20 in the chart to me. And then Body number is 20 but it looks as it’s on 0 and Balance number is 30 but it looks as it’s on 20. Why is this? What am I doing wrong here?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • That is a little odd, I’ll test and have to get back to you when i can.

    Thanks for the great feedback.

    Kind Regards


    This seems to be the way the chart library renders that data. I’m sorry I can’t be more help at this time.

    Kind Regards


    Is this what the ChartJS param scaleBeginAtZero=”true” is meant for?

    I tried it within the shortcode and no luck, but not sure if the WP plugin accepts all params of ChartJS or not.

    Actually solved my problem, which looks similar to OPs problem with these params…


    This chart shows the results of several scale inputs (1-10) so I wanted 10 lines with the center most part being 0, so no points will ever start there and the above params did just that.

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