I made very few enhancements, but I think that Qwilm! on my site looks quite nice.
One thing is, that I couldn’t make pngs display correct in IE (i already tried ideas with js, php scripts – all for nothing). For now – page looks good only in FF/Opera, in IE sometimes it’s hard to read content or sidebars’ texts.
I used an Boyd’s houseofboyd.com idea, to put table in header.php, so no divs are moving on page at resize, just as it is on ‘house of boyd’ www.
I also used some pixelpusher concepts – translucent-like *.gif and opacite *.png. Like I said, these pngs do not show in IE, gifs are OK.For now that’s it. It’s still much to do, but most of problems are behind. Tell me what you think about my modification:
Best regards,