I think she’s thinking that the admin/editor should be able to print quizzes from the backend. More specifically, the admin should be able to select questions and order Quiz Master Next to print/generate x copies of the quiz. QMN would send print requests to printer and generate requests would be used to create PDF versions of the quiz. However, QMN wouldn’t send quiz to printer and ask it to print multiple copies. Instead, it will generate x copies of the quiz – independently randomizing the sequence of questions and options (same is true for PDF too).
I feel it would be better if instead of the above method, in admin we had options saying:
– Allow printing
— Force printing
– Allow PDF download
— Force PDF download
If allow printing is selected, then in frontend, quiz taker sees a tiny printer icon, clicking on which prints the quiz.
If the quiz taker clicks printer icon after completing results, then their quiz results (score, not each question w/answer) are printed (or maybe even a certificate)
If allow PDF download is selected, then in frontend, quiz taker sees a tiny PDF icon, clicking on which creates a PDF download.
If the quiz taker clicks PDF icon after completing results, then their quiz results (score, not each question w/answer) are converted to PDF (or maybe even a certificate)
If force print/ force PDF download is selected, then instead of the quiz, the logged in quiz taker will see a link: print quiz. Clicking on the link will generate a randomized sequence of questions and options and print it (or covert to pdf). For this function to work, quiz taker must be logged in. Hence in QMN admin require login function must be selected.