Hi Thomas,
I appreciate plugins need lots of cross coding to make all functions work and don’t take this the wrong way BUT THIS IS LUDICROUS.
So to help you, let me explain my workflow clearly and see if it can give you an idea for a fix.
1. I have set up a course
2. Inside the course we have 5 sections
3. Sections 1 and 2 have one lesson each. Sections 3 to 5 have two lessons each
4. I go to the site and I choose Course Catalogue
5. I choose my course (we only have one) from the dropdown
6. It shows me the course outline and I try to click on a lesson and an alert pops up and says I do not have access to the course (THIS WORKS PERFECTLY AS I HAVE NOT REGISTERED)
7. I click enroll
8. I fill out the form and the students contact details go into the back office (GREAT STUFF)
9. Ok so i start my lessons and the attached quizzes.
10. I go through each lesson and quiz and at the end of each quiz i get my score. BRILLIANT.
11. We have set the parameter that you must get 100% to proceed to next lesson (WORKS FLAWLESSLY)
12. If i don’t pass that quiz it asks me to START QUIZ (GREAT)
13. We are also using randomise the questions so if somebody retakes the answers are in a different order (BRILLIANT and WORKS FLAWLESSLY)
14. If i pass the quiz then it presents me with a NEXT LESSON button (PERFECT)
15. And here is the HUGE problem……..
I get to the end of the quiz, I complete my last lesson, i answer my last set of questions all correct and it shows me the circle with 100% correct and the only button i see is START QUIZ.
If i click the only available button START QUIZ it will now loop me back to start the quiz from the final lesson……a never ending loop.
Now in the back office it does list the user and shows as course completed but how does a user get a certificate???
The key things for me at the moment are getting some type of workaround for this end loop to finish the quiz so a user knows they have completed.
I love this plugin and its the best one i have tried over the last 2 weeks searching for a solution to my needs, However all the stuff I have pointed out above that works perfectly is wasted due to this final step not working.
Maybe i have missed something or a function in the plugin, if so then please let me know.
I hope you find this useful and can find a solution to these issues otherwise.