• Resolved ncbryant24


    I have several students complaining about certain quiz questions that refer to a figure not loading the figure. So the only thing they can do is skip the question or reload the page and if they reload the page their entire quiz starts over.

    I have been able to recreate this myself on many occasions. I have tried using a default wordpress theme like twenty twenty. I have tried deactivating all plugins except for LifterLMS and I have checked my internet connection for issue. None of these have worked. Please Help my students are getting upset.


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    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • Hi @ncbryant24,

    I see that you’ve opened a support ticket already.

    We have responded to that ticket. Kindly reply us on the ticket.

    I’ll be closing this now. Thank you ??

Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • The topic ‘Quiz Figures Not Loading’ is closed to new replies.