• This is pretty straightforward to set up and for the average user it works well, but it didn’t address a number of issues for me:

    – I’d like the sidebar icons to automatically jump to the bottom of the screen when the screen size is reduced. Expecting the user to keep clicking the ‘hide’ button is a pain. (See my example below)

    – I couldn’t find the option to choose a plain white background. The plugin wanted to include a graduated grey background, which didn’t suit my design.

    – I wanted to vertically offset the position of the bar. I know this could be addressed by a simple CSS line but I’d have liked the position option to be more than ‘top/middle/bottom’.

    – The elegant bar was positioned within the content of the page, whilst the plain version was positioned outside the content, which I found a bit odd.

    Fortunately some of these problems can be addressed with some CSS over-rides and I appreciate the speedy response from the developers to user issues. These guys are clearly on the ball and you only have to look at the number of topics marked ‘resolved’ to appreciate their dedication. They must hold a record for the highest number of ‘resolved’ support issues for a WordPress plugin. I like that!

    In the end I hard-coded the responsive buttons as outlined in this article. Reduce the screen-size to see what happens to the buttons. This is what I call truly responsive. If the Cunjo developers could implement this kind of solution I’d have no qualms in using the plugin. For those not comfortable with hard-coding this is certainly one of the better social plugins but for me it needs to address the auto movement of buttons before I’d use it.

  • The topic ‘Quite nice but some further configs would be useful inc responsive’ is closed to new replies.