• Quería preguntar si sabe alquien como se quita el menú superior de un tema de wordpress. Me refiero al menú superior que viene debajo o arriba del encabezado, no al menú de administración.
    Llevo muy poco tiempo trabajando con WordPress y no he visto esta opción. He visto temas que tienen menú superior y temas que no tienen. Solo que los que no tienen menú no me gustan tanto.
    Les agradezco con antelación por la respuesta.

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  • I wanted to ask if you know someone like you remove the top menu of a wordpress theme. I mean the next higher menu below or above the header, not the administration menu.
    I have very little time working with WordPress and have not seen this option. I have seen top menu items and issues that do not have. Only those who have no menu so I do not like.
    I thank you in advance for your reply.

    Probably edit your theme’s header.php and delete the code that ‘creates’ those menus. Could be like “wp_list_pages” or “wp_page_menu”.

    Stepping Into Template Tags
    Stepping Into Templates
    Template Hierarchy

    Thread Starter anamaria79


    Thank you very much Michael for translate my post.
    I didn′t realize that I was writting in spanish in the english wordpress site version.
    Thanks again.

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