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  • Likely that it has to do with the top:-290px set in the CSS file. I would try removing top: entirely or set it a lot lower.

    Thread Starter jennifer420


    Thanks jdingman,

    I removed it and now the gap is between the content and footer – how on earth did I do that?! Lol

    Have a look again please if you will … and you’ll see what I mean!

    Thanks for you time ~

    You need more content to fill that gap. Try adding fake content just to test it with more content.

    Thread Starter jennifer420


    I’d rather the page just expand as content is written … this isn’t my blog, otherwise I wouldn’t care.

    Is there anyway I can fix this? I’ve messed with the divs and such, but it hasn’t done much. Validated too – but the only errors I’m getting are in reference to silly plug-in markup.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter jennifer420


    Still getting a huge gap at the bottom, does anyone know how I can fix this?

    .wpn_footer in CSS is calling for a height of 74 px; change that. Adjust the text padding, too, in that class.

    Thread Starter jennifer420


    Thanks songdogtech,

    I’ve edited those – but still doesn’t seem to be addressing the issue.

    I don’t believe I’ve ran into this before, I’m stumped …

    Maybe try reducing the height of the background image bg.jpg? it’s 670 px tall, but it’s not set to repeat vertically.

    Thread Starter jennifer420


    Thanks songdogtech,

    Think I’m going to just leave it as is for now … need a break, as it’s making me nuts. Lol

    Thank you again for your time ~`


    as jdingman said

    Likely that it has to do with the top:-290px set in the CSS file.

    just add the same to .wpn-footer:

    .wpn_footer { width:100%; height:74px; background:url(img//footer_bg.gif); color:#ccc; position:relative; z-index:2; top:-290px;}

    this still leaves a big empty space below the footer … ??

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