‘WP Ultimate Post Grid’ – If you are okay with displaying all pages or all posts (doesn’t allow filtering unless using paid version), then WP Ultimate Post Grid (by Bootstrapped Ventures) works. Also, you need to add additional CSS in the customizer (for the same look as the example site).
‘Content Views’ – Can filter, but doesn’t have aesthetics of example page (no hover displays text feature).
TO USE WP Ulitmate Post Grid:
Activate ‘WP Ultimate Post Grid’ plugin
Select ‘Grids/Add New’ in left navigation of admin panel
Name Grid
Change ‘Post Types’ to Pages (if you want to display pages as in example) or Posts (for posts)
Change ‘Template’ to Hover with Date
Change ‘Layout Mode’ to Items in row (save grid)
Navigate to ‘Pages’ in left navigation of admin panel
Set the ‘Custom Image URL’ in the WP Ultimate Post Grid panel for each page/post (save page)
Navigate to page where displaying grid
Place cursor on page to insert grid
Select the ‘Red Window’ icon in the toolbar
Select the grid name and click insert
Update/Publish page
Navigate to page customizer
select Additional CSS
Paste the following CSS code:
.wpupg-post-date {
visibility: hidden;
.wpupg-post-title {
margin-top:30px !important;
font-size:1.5em !important;
.wpupg-grid div{
border-style:hidden !important;