Quick Edit Fields Are Blank
Just installed the plugin and started playing around with it, mostly looking to use it for back-end organization and management of media files. I tried the quick edit feature on a couple media items and found that all the fields were blank in the quick edit area. Rather than displaying their current values all of the fields were just empty (name, parent, categories, etc). It seems that these fields should show their current values so that you can’t click update and effectively erase the values you were not interested in editing. Am I missing something in the settings or is this a bug?
Wow – that’s really odd! No, there isn’t anything in the MLA settings you’ve missed. It must be a bug or perhaps an interaction with another plugin on your site. I tried downloading and activating the Enable Media Replace plugin, but it seems to work fine and doesn’t interfere with MLA on my test system. Do you have other plugins in place?
The quick edit function is done with a combination of server-based logic and JavaScript on the client side. The problem could be on either side. If you’re comfortable doing some investigation you might be able to give me a clue.
There are two places to start looking for the cause. First, is the data getting from the server to your browser. If you look through the HTML source for the Media/Assistant submenu page you should be able to find the data for each attachment. It will look something like this:
<div class="hidden" id="inline_7"> <div class="post_title">David Lingren Blue Background Title Keyword</div> <div class="post_name">david_lingren</div> <div class="post_excerpt">David Lingren Blue Background CaptionKeyword</div> <div class="image_alt">David Lingren Blue Background AltKeyword</div> <div class="post_parent">70</div> <div class="menu_order">0</div> <div class="post_author">2</div> <div class="c_quick-edit-test"></div> <div class="c_bulk-edit-test"></div> <div class="mla_category" id="category_7">5,1</div> <div class="mla_tags" id="post_tag_7">Test Tag</div> <div class="mla_category" id="attachment_category_7">33</div> </div>
If the data’s there, the JavaScript should be using it to populate the quick edit area.
Second, do you know how to see which JavaScript files are loaded in your browser? If so, look for something like
in the list. If it’s not there, that’s a problem.The other experiment you can try is to make a change or two, click on “Update” and see if the changes make it back to the server and get recorded with the attachment. Try this on a test attachment of some sort so you don’t break anything on your site.
You can also try the quick edit feature on a post or page and verify that the normal WordPress feature is working for you.
Finally, can you tell me what browser you’re using and whether you have a Mac or Windows system? Since the browser is involved, I want to make sure I’m testing in your environment.
I am sorry you’re having this issue and I’d like to resolve it. If you can give me more information it would be most helpful.
Thanks for this report, for your interest in the plugin and your patience.
Thank you for your quick response, I appreciate it. I took a look at the source code for the submenu page as you suggested and it seems the data is there. The information for each media item is also properly displayed in the media library assistant, right up until I click on quick edit when it all goes away for that particular item. Many of my media items are indicated as (ORPHAN?) (BAD PARENT?) as well with many having no “Inserted In” data.
When I pull up the debugger in the web developer toolbar the mla-inline-edit-scripts.min.js file is in the list so I think that it is being loaded as it should be.
If I make a change to an item using the quick edit it does save the changes, including any failure to fill in missing data (if I don’t type in the proper parent ID it will become blank). The quick edit feature seems to work normally for editing pages, the data is correctly populated in the fields when quick edit is selected.
The other plugins I am running are as follows;
-Breadcrumb NavXT 4.3.0
-Enable Media Replace 2.8.2
-Excerpt Editor 1.4
-PJW Page Excerpt 0.02
-PJW Query Child Of 1.1
-Portfolio Slideshow Pro 1.4.9
-Reveal IDs 1.4.0I am running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit.
I first encountered this problem in Firefox but I’m experiencing the same thing in Chrome and IE 9, which leads me to believe that Firefox and its add-ons (such as NoScript) must not be causing the problem.Thanks for your help!
Thanks for the prompt response and the excellent data-gathering report. It appears that the most likely cause of this issue is some bug in the JavaScript code that supports the quick edit function on the client (browser) side. The JavaScript in
is based on similar code WordPress uses for quick editing posts and pages, but since that’s working there must be some difference…When you say:
right up until I click on quick edit when it all goes away for that particular item
does that mean that the table listing is affected, or only the quick edit area? If you hit “Cancel” from the quick edit area, is the table listing still correct?
If you pull up the debugger (F12 in IE 9) before you click quick edit, do any JavaScript error messages appear in the debugger? If you are comfortable working in the debugger you could try adding
define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);
to your wp-config.php file to load the uncompressed version of the JavaScript files; that might give a clearer indication of the issue and might even fix it (unlikely).I will download and install the other plugins in your list and see if I can reproduce the issue. If I cannot reproduce the problem on my system, the only other thing I can think of is to continue investigating it on your system. Either you can do that, or you could set up an temporary “author” account for me and I can give it a try. The “author” level account would let me upload an image of my own and edit my image, but I couldn’t edit any other attachments (or posts, pages, etc.) on the site. I know that’s a lot to ask and it’s entirely up to you on how you’d like to proceed.
Give me a day to set up my system and run some tests. I will report my progress here. Thanks for your help and your patience.
I can report a preliminary result.
Excerpt Editor 1.4 was released in 2009 and is listed as “Compatible up to: 2.9.2”.
WordPress notes: “This plugin hasn’t been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.”
On activation, the following messages appeared:
Notice: load_plugin_textdomain was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.7 with no alternative available. in C:\Users\dlingren\Documents\My Data\Data Files\Web Design\VirtualHosts\mladev\wp-includes\functions.php on line 2925
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in C:\Users\dlingren\Documents\My Data\Data Files\Web Design\VirtualHosts\mladev\wp-includes\functions.php on line 2923
I then opened up the Media/Assistant screen and it no longer worked. I don’t even get the “Edit | Quick Edit” rollover links! Deactivating the Excerpt Editor plugin restored the MLA rollover links.
Please deactivate this plugin on your site and see if the issue is resolved. Either way, I’d suggest that this plugin has outlived its usefulness and may cause other problems for you.
Another update. “Excerpt Editor” is the only plugin in your list that caused the MLA problem. I activated all the other plugins in you list and MLA still works.
However, you should know that “PJW Query Child Of” 1.10 was released in 2011 and is listed as “Compatible up to: 3.1.4”. WordPress notes:
“This plugin hasn’t been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.”
Portfolio Slideshow Pro costs money, so I downloaded the free version, Portfolio Slideshow 1.5.1. I got a number of errors displaying the Settings page for this plugin, but no MLA problems.
If you’re using the
shortcode to compose your galleries there’s no way MLA can know which attachments are used in those galleries. That’s probably why:Many of my media items are indicated as (ORPHAN?) (BAD PARENT?) as well with many having no “Inserted In” data.
MLA looks for HTML ‘<img src=’ tags to get the “Inserted in” data. It looks for the
meta tag to get the “Featured in” data. MLA executes the[gallery]
shortcodes to get the other where-used data. It doesn’t execute the[portfolio_slideshow]
shortcodes, or the shortcodes used by other gallery-making plugins.If I hit cancel after attempting to quick edit the table entries remain intact, cancel seems to appropriately cancel out of quick edit.
I deactivated both of the outdated plugins (Excerpt Editor and PJW Query Child Of) and the problem seems to remain unchanged. I assume complete deletion of the plugins isn’t really necessary to see if they are having an affect on the problem. I went an additional step and deactivated all of my other plugins and the problem seems to remain unchanged.
I pulled up the debugger in IE9, went to the script tab and turned on debugging but did not get any script errors. I changed pages from the media library to the MLA, initiated a quick edit and canceled it, all while debugging, without getting any script errors. I did also try deleting the browser cache and session cookies and repeating the above procedure. I repeated this procedure after adding define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true); to the wp-config.php file but still did not encounter any errors. In general I am not very comfortable working in the debugger, I have some coding background but it was quite a while ago now.
Thank you for your investigation, this update and your persistence!
If you feel comfortable with setting up an temporary “author” account for me, I can give it a try (assuming it’s accessible over the Internet). The “author” level account would let me upload an image of my own and edit my image, but I couldn’t edit any other attachments (or posts, pages, etc.) on the site. I know that’s a lot to ask and it’s entirely up to you on how you’d like to proceed.
If you do give me access, leave the
define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);
in place so I can work with the uncompressed scripts.You can send me the user id and password information privately, using the “Contact Us” page at our web site:
Let me know what you’d like to do. Thanks for your help and your understanding.
I’m not sure how much that is going to help. I just created an Author account, uploaded a new piece of media, and clicked on quick edit; the fields actually populated! It also saved any changes I made to the fields. I logged out of the Author account and back in as an Administrator and tried to quick edit the same piece of media that I uploaded as an Author and the fields did not populate! If I upload a new piece of media as an Administrator and then attempt to quick edit, the fields also do not populate. It seems we can’t win on this one.
Well, if this were Star Trek and I was Spock, This is where I’d say “Fascinating…”. If I was McCoy, I’d say “D**n it Jim – I’m a developer, not a magician…”
Have you tried creating a completely new Administrator account and uploading, etc? How about an “Editor” account? How about upgrading the Author account you created to Administrator and re-testing?
If you can create some temporary account that has the problem and you can send me the user ID and password, I can keep investigating. I’ll limit my testing to uploading an image and working only with what I upload. That’s all I can think to try at this point.
Thanks for hanging in there; I’m sorry this is such a hassle. I’ll do whatever I can – let me know how you’d like to proceed.
I am putting the finishing touches on my next version, and if there’s anything I can do to resolve your issue this is a great time to get it in the code. If you can give me any more information or access to an account on your site that is having the problem, let me know.
If not, I’m going to mark this issue resolved because it seems to be specific to some of the user account on your site, and no one else has reported anything like this. I’d still like to get it fixed for you if I can.
I apologize for the lack of response as I was away for work and was not able to investigate further. I tried creating a different Author level account and encountered the same result; after uploading a piece of media from within that account the Quick Edit seems to function normally for that media. I tried creating a different Administrator level account was able to use the Quick Edit as I would expect for existing media. I tried creating an Editor level account and encountered the same result. The Quick Edit feature only seems not to work in the Administrator account that I have always had and have always used. For some reason the action of creating a new account seems to be getting rid of the problem. Fascinating right? I suppose I can just create a new Administrator account and delete my old one. No telling though whether at some point down the road the Quick Edit will stop working in that account.
Thank you for taking the time to get back to me on this issue.
I’m still fascinated and I’m still just a developer, not a magician.
If you have access to multiple administrator accounts, you could try demoting the “problem” account to a lower level and seeing if the problem still occurs. For example, you could make it an “author” account and it would only be able to edit the posts/pages created by that account. You could then give me access to that account with some temporary password and I’d be able to have a look. After I’m done, change the password back and promote the account back to administrator.
That’s the only idea I have for further progress, and I completely understand if that’s not worth your time and effort. I’m going to mark this issue resolved, but I am at your disposal if the problem persists or spreads to other accounts on your site.
I hope you can still find some value in the plugin and keep using it anyway. Thanks again for your understanding and your patience.
same problem and solution here so far. Great plugin anyway!If you are still interested I could offer to give you temp access – so maybe you find the problem.
demoting the old not-working admin to an author didn’t change anything.
Creating a new one did – like described above.
also in bulk edit you always have “x no title” instead of the existing titles.. same reason I guess..
also it seems, that even with the new account you have to hit the update button twice to make the quick edit getting saved..
Thanks for the good words, for your interest and for this report.
There is one known reason for this issue; have a look at this support topic:
Another Quick Edit Fields Are Blank note FIX
If that matches your experience, let me know. The “x no title” is caused by the same issue. I’m not sure why you’d have to “Update” twice to save the changes.
If you feel comfortable with setting up an temporary “author” account for me, I can give it a try (assuming it’s accessible over the Internet).
If you do give me access, can you add define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true); to your wp-config.php file so I can work with the uncompressed scripts?
You can send me the user id and password information privately, using the “Contact Us” page at our web site:
Let me know what you’d like to do. Thanks for your help and your understanding.
wow – that’s quick.. thanks a lot!
the other post does match my problem – so I can work around it now. it’s still the “update-click-twice-thing” but hey..
I guess, that during the next days I can send you a login..
great to see this kind of active maintenance.. donation for sure – even if this leads nowhere ??
have a nice evening
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