Hi Marko
Yesterday my Quick Chat worked fine… then my whole website
crashed and was down for over 13 hours, I’m not sure why that is
but it’s been fixed and works now. However, my Quick Chat does not work
any more. It says Loading… and nothing happens.
Here is the error from Chrome concole:
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL https://www.supercomtech.com/live-chat/ from frame with URL https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-325088442377971…sage%3D1&fu=0&ifi=2&dtd=151&xpc=JWsr9d8AfC&p=http%3A//www.supercomtech.com. Domains, protocols and ports must match.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) https://www.supercomtech.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
By the way, you’ve made a nice Chat program, I like it.
Juce sve fino radilo ali danas nece nikako neznam zasto.
I would appreciate if you could tell me how I can get it to work again,
I like Quick Chat and would like to keep it on my website. Thanks for any help in advance.
By the way: Yesterday when it did work, that was inside a Sidebar Widget. Then I decided I don’t want to have it in the Sidebar because
I want it on its own dedicated ”Live Chat” page… that’s when it stopped working.