• I really don’t know a great deal about .php so thought I’d quickly ask here.
    I’ve just finished upgrading from WordPress 1.2 – 2.0 via a couple of stages and so far so good, the Blog is running once more.
    Time to use some plug-ins and anything that can stop the on average 500+ Spam messages being injected into my Blog would be worth its weight in gold.

    I’ve downloaded “Bad Behavior” and I’m about to upload it and switch it on.
    The install/use instructions recommends turning verbose logging off due to the size of the log that will be generated.

    I believe that simply means making the following change to the bad-behavior-wordpress.php file:

    // Log all requests to the database, not just failed requests.
    $wp_bb_verbose_logging = FALSE;

    The line originally read “True” at the end.
    Is this all I need to do to turn verbose logging off?


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  • chochem


    Negative or not, it is kinda… uhm frustrating… to be shut out of your own site. Opera, IE, Firefox, proxy or no proxy. So I’m pretty tempted to delete it, too. Also I now know why I’ve been having difficulty accessing a number of sites.

    Cypher: Could I just ask – what did you figure out?

    I should say that I received an e-mail from someone at GoDaddy regarding this issue, and have forwarded him the technical information needed to investigate and hopefully resolve the problem.

    I have no idea why it took this long to get a response.

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