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  • Hi – you do that in CSS

    div .eventli { background: url(images/filename.jpg) no-repeat; padding-left: 30px; }

    1) use actual image name – url is relative to folder the stylesheet is in.

    2) the code I gave you will apply the thumbnail to all entries in class eventli, which is not what you want. assign a second class to that one entry such as <div class=”eventli ebook”> Changing the css above from
    div .eventli { to div .ebook { will resolve that issue.

    Thread Starter cs00102


    Thanks stvwlf,
    you’ve been a great help..if I may trouble you again..I’ve done what you said and however I’m struggling with part 2 of your instructions and when I play around with the code nthing appears..I’ve uploaded my style.css file. If you have time I’d appreciate if you could take a look..
    Really appreciated, thanks again!


    In your sidebar is this code

    <div class="eventli">
      <p>Learning to be professional e-book home page</p>

    change it to this

    <div class="eventli ebook">
      <p>Learning to be professional e-book home page</p>

    In your stylesheet on line 317 is
    div .eventli { background: url( no-repeat; padding-left: 30px; }

    change it to this:
    div .ebook { background: url( no-repeat; padding-left: 30px; }

    you will probably have to adjust the 30px to get the correct spacing between the background image and the text

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