I’ve checked everything that is written on that page, and still can’t find the answer.
WebP was enabled too late: Create WebP Versions should be turned ON before you begin Image Optimization.
I have turned this option ON before the image optimization began.
The WebP file is bigger than the JPEG.
In the image library, next to each image, I can see a notification that “WebP saved x%”, although only the main (original) image is not converted into webp, other sizes like thumbnail, large, medium, etc are converted.
Not all browsers support WebP.
I’m using Chrome, and as I said, some of the images are showing as webp, but some are not.
You may not have turned on WebP Replacement.
I did.
The plugin can only perform WebP replacement on the HTML
Images are loaded via HTML.
Are you sure the WebP actually exists?
That’s the problem ?? It doesn’t – but why? Is it possible that other sizes than the original are converted into webp, because the original image’s webp version would be same size/bigger size than jpg or png?