• I am looking at WordPress for a number of my websites, including my personal blog. Before I go that far, however, I wanted to know if this is really what I am looking for. The site I have in mind for an immediate installation is going to include a lot of static information. There will be multiple pages of nothing but knowledge and information. The blogging aspect will comment on some of that and augment it through new articles and posts. As things are posted which are worthy of the “knowledge base”, they will be moved into it.
    Additionally, I wish to have some sort of forum, such as what you are reading this on, installed at some point. Is such a thing included with the software or is this a later modification? What if I wanted to use a different forum software? How easy is the integration?
    Last, but certainly not least, the particular site I am working on is bound to generate some amount of controversy among its target audience. As such I fully expect some rather angry readers to attempt something stupid. How secure is the site, at that point, and what additional security precautions are recommended?
    I appreciate knowing if this software will meet all of these needs. Please feel free to reply via email at [email protected]. Thanks again!

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  • Last: WP is secure, and it’s weakest point is the passwords you set – just like any other software. Choose a random 16 character password and you will be fine.
    Forum: There is no forum software included with WP – what you are looking at is a modified miniBB. Search here for ‘phpBB’ – some people have looked at this before.
    Suitability: This answer is probably best left to those that use WP is such situations or have more CMS experience.
    Good luck with your project.

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