• Hi,
    your Plugin description looks like it is close to what i am looking for! I have some Questions and Feature Request if not still possible ??

    1. Is there a more detailes dokumentation?
    2. I like customising my themes. Can I embed the voting manually in my themes single.php with some php snipped?
    3. Can I theme the output from the “most liked shortcode”? I think gets rendered as a plain list, like the widget screenshot. I would like to theme it like the output from my regular wp loop (archive).
    4. Related to last quesion. Can I call the votings in some way to use it for sorting the regular wp loop?
    5. Feature Request: Would be nice to have an option for the “most liked widget”/”recented voted widget” to dynamic list the most liked posts in active category/Tag archive and single view. For example:
      Home -> Most liked posts global
      Category Archive X -> Most liked posts in Category X
      Tag Archive Y -> Most liked posts tagged with Y
      Single Post View -> Most liked posted based on posts Category (or first attached category if more then one..)
    6. Feature Request: Rich Snippets. When Up/Down Voting is used, you could easy convert Ratings to a 0-5 Point Rating outputting Google Rich Snipped. For me I would like to call each teh Up and Down Voting count manually for further usage. Is this possible?

    Basicaly I want to build some kind of Social News Site and searching for a Up/Down voting plugin to sort posts in different places (Question 3-5). Rhich snippets would just be an easy addon feature ??

    Best Regards


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