• I currently have a blog but it’s not self hosted as of yet. I’m trying to decide if I want to go that route or not. It’s just that I’m nervous about it because I’m afraid that it would be way over my head. So right now I thought I would just ask and get a little feedback from others before I make this decision. So for you, what has been the biggest benefit of having your blog/site self hosted?

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Total and complete control over everything. It might be a little bit more complicated in some aspects, but that’s because I have the ability to do a lot more with my site than I did on WordPress.com.

    In general, getting up and running is fairly easy, and working with the site will be easy and familiar. It’s when you want to do things you couldn’t do on WordPress.com that things start to get fun, sometimes complicated, but often times just fun. ??

    Self-Hosting is 101% waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better.

    1) You can use ANY theme YOU want. You have to upload it to your server (where your site is hosted)

    2) You can (usually) have unlimited mailing lists, e-mail addresses and themes. Many hosts provide ulimited m/l, e-mails, mysql databases and so forth.

    3) You can have advertisement on your site.

    4) You can even photoshop James Huff (MacManX) on Superman’s body and have it as your logo. He might have objection, I think he is a Batman fan.

    5) You can essentially do what ever the heck you want. Obviously as long as it is not illegal in the country your website is hosted.

    Moderator James Huff


    You can even photoshop James Huff (MacManX) on Superman’s body and have it as your logo. He might have objection, I think he is a Batman fan.

    Definitely a Batman fan. ??

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