• Hi there, im interested about this plugin, but i just came to some questions on problems, that i need to solve for my client:

    1. i want to be able send emails regulary 1 each day with latest posts from last day, but not on weekend, and on monday have there all posts from last 3 days
    2. can i set shortcode into template? I need it because of including of ads
    3. i need to filter posts by categories, resp. exlude some categories to be included into some email

    is this possible? For me its enought if its possible trought some filters, thx


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  • Plugin Author itdoug


    Those things should all be possible with our short code.


    You’ll have to schedule each newsletter though. Our post notifications feature doesn’t have that fine control over schedule.

    We also render short codes from other plugins so you should be good on that front as well.

    You can also check out our sending service. Makes it super easy to get started. https://www.wpemaildelivery.com

    Thread Starter payter


    Thank you for quick answer

    1. I cant find a date limitation in that shortcode, is it there?
    2. schedule each – you mean schedule newsletter on mon, tu, we, tr, fri with that, mon should have 3 days back posts?
    3. great
    4. sending service is not sufficient for my client, he needs to send emails about 22×8000 per month

    Plugin Author itdoug


    This should do what you need for dates. If not, tell us what you need and I’ll see if we can.

    datespan – number of days of posts to render. Can be set to “daily”, “weekly”, or a number of days (datespan=3 for the last three days for exmaple) (defaults to daily.)

    Scheduling is manual if that’s what you mean. But you should be able to schedule a few days at a time. We just don’t have recurring. It something we’ve discussed.

    Sending service can handle much bigger plans. We just don’t list them all on the site. If you tell us how many per month (175k-200k?) we can get you a price

    Thread Starter payter


    thank you,

    datespan should be sufficient then, and maybe i will manage it somehow

    client want to do all from WP administration and send it trought mandrill

    Plugin Author itdoug



    You can’t send through Mandrill anymore without a Mail Chimp subscription. They changed their ToS recently. If you need another sender we support several in the Pro plugin including our own, https://wpemaildelivery.com, which is also available in the Free version.

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