• Here’s my page: https://www.getskinrelief.com/?page_id=96 Could you please tell me what P & P means. Price: $10.95 P&P: $0.00 On this page:

    Also, is there a way to get rid of the “edit” which is on the top of the page twice.

    Lastly, through the text there are strange symbols. Another symbol kept popping up on the home page also.

    Is it possible to make the pics larger than thumbnails? If so, how.

    Thanks again, looking forward to reading your response.

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  • 1) To find out what P & P means, try Google.

    2) The “edit” links only show up if you’re logged in, and can edit that page, which I think only admins, editors, and maybe contributors can do.

    3) Don’t see any strange symbols on the home page.

    4) Pretty much anything is possible, but it depends on how the thumbnails are being displayed in the first place. Are you using a plugin to make the product pages?

    Thread Starter ellieanna


    Thanks for the reply,
    Postage and Packaging
    I found out how to make the thumbnails bigger too.
    I’m using e commerce plug in. And I still can’t check out. (I’m practicing with the Anti-Poison Powder, bottom item on second page.)
    If you could check it out, that would be great. After I fill out address info, it goes to a strange page. How do you fix that?



    Strange Symbols:

    These can easily carry over from other sites or documents if you are copying the description from somewhere and pasting them into the editor. I have also seen this happen when the encoding on the pages, and the character encoding and collate on the MySQL database are set to conflicting values, however I would put my best guess on my first point about copy/paste being the culprit. When editing your product in WP-eCommerce or page in WP, click the editor over the HTML using the tab in the top right and look for these symbols, or strange spaces, or apostrophes that don’t look right. Delete them from the description and replace with the appropriate character desired.

    P & P – Postage & Packaging:

    Localization and language packs are always interesting, especially when the plug-in comes from a different country anyways. You can change this by going to your “/wp-content/plugins” folder, opening the “/wp-e-commerce” folder and navigate down to “/languages” and then to the “EN_en.php” file. From here you can either do a text search for the following two entities and replace the resulting text with S&H or whatever you like. Just remember to use “&” for the ampersand (&).
    b) TXT_WPSC_PP

    For everyone with line-number friendly code editors:
    a) Line 757
    b) Line 776

    Edit Links

    These only appear when you are logged in as an administrator, but I do understand that they can be a bit annoying even for an admin and even remove them from my templates. You will need to first locate your theme files. Best practice is to have relocated your themes files to “wp-content/uploads/wpsc/themes/<yourtheme>/” where <yourtheme> is the name of the theme you are using “default” is most common. In this folder you will need to remove the following line:

    <?php echo wpsc_edit_the_product_link(); ?>

    From the following files:

    a) products_page.php
    b) single_product.php

    All better ??

    Checkout Process

    First things first you will want to fix the “1. Billing/contact details below:” line as it is currently an active field when it should be a header. In the store admin, Settings -> Checkout. You will see this line and then a drop down box with a few options. Make sure “Heading” is selected here.

    As for the rest of the process, I am afraid I am not able to offer much help as the server appears to be running very slowly right now and took about 10 minutes just to squeeze the following error out:

    Warning: urlencode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /nfs/c02/h06/mnt/39341/domains/getskinrelief.com/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-e-commerce/merchants/paypal_multiple.php on line 185

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /nfs/c02/h06/mnt/39341/domains/getskinrelief.com/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-e-commerce/merchants/paypal_multiple.php:185) in /nfs/c02/h06/mnt/39341/domains/getskinrelief.com/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-e-commerce/merchants/paypal_multiple.php on line 251

    This is happening because on the Billing form you have compounded the Country and State into the same variable in the form of an array: collected_data[6][0] and collected_data[6][1]. You should remove this custom code from the file and instead return to the store admin section and go to Settings -> Checkout. At the bottom you will see a link to “Add New Form Field”. Click this. Though it will appear at the very bottom you are able to set the order so that it will appear after city and before country. Set the type to “Text” mark it as mandatory and you will be all set.

    Hope this helps, and feel free to let me know if you have any problems.

    Thread Starter ellieanna


    Thank you so much for your response GKauten. I really appreciate it. What you have said is very helpful, although I do need some more direction to make this work. I did figure out about the symbols and going to HTML and deleting stuff. Although
    1. Concerning changing P & P, you said go to: “/wp-content/plugins” folder, opening the “/wp-e-commerce” folder Question: Where do I find this, I’ve looked all over. And where I see: TXT_WPSC_PNP I would replace the PNP with S&H Is that right?
    2. Concerning Edit links: You said, “Best practice is to have relocated your themes files to “wp-content/uploads/wpsc/themes/<yourtheme>/” where <yourtheme>” are you suggesting that I move something? I did find where my themes are, under Editor.
    3. Regarding Checkout Process, I did make sure Header was selected in that drop down. Thanks, is it okay to still have Billing/contact details below: there? When I was checking out, to me it seemed unclear as to what needed to go there. I made that line nonmandatory.
    4. Concerning the what you said here: “you have compounded the Country and State into the same variable in the form of an array: collected_data[6][0] and collected_data[6][1]. You should remove this custom code from the file and instead return to the store admin section and go to Settings -> Checkout. At the bottom you will see a link to “Add New Form Field”. OK, where exactly do I go to fix this country and state mixup? This is the prob that I am eager to fix.

    Additional: Yes, the website is really slow, and I have learned about cache plugins ( https://help.godaddy.com/article/5521 and https://www.askapache.com/wordpress/fastest-caching-plugins.html ) I have installed WP Super Cache but I don’t understand how I am suppose to add pages or something to make it work and I’d like to add the DB Cache Reloaded.

    I look forward to reading your response, do you think that you could send the info to [email protected] so I get it right away?


    Change “P&P” to “S&H” for Shipping & Handling (WP e-Commerce v3.7.6.7)


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