Hi @juanwp22
I hope you’re well today!
In general, such resizing only applies to “original size” images – not to all the additional sizes/thumbnails that WP generates and it would only resize images that are bigger than set sizes, not touching smaller ones.
But that only means that if you have a huge image which is not the “original, full size” image but one of the additional sizes, that wouldn’t be resized.
That being said, that’s a general response only. In your case I understand that those images are already uploaded as WebP to the site. Resizing (of “original, full size images”) is only a part of the “Bulk Smush” option and WebP images are not handled by such optimization – it won’t help here, I’m afraid.
Manually, you can resize (or rather scale) those images directly in media editor in Media Library but with that many images it would be a lot of work as they’d need to be scaled one by one.
As an alternative, this free plugin may be of help:
You can set maximum size (smaller images will not be enlarge) and either bulk-resize them all or resize only selected ones (but no need to do this one-by-one).
Note: I would strongly recommend NOT enabling the “Delete original” option as if anything goes wrong, you wouldn’t be able to restore images.
Best regards,