BPS has a feature called Custom Code located on the BPS Security > htaccess Core > Custom Code tabs page. There are 2 accordion tabs: Root htaccess File Custom Code and wp-admin htaccess File Custom Code. The BPS Custom Code feature allows you to add custom htaccess code or modify existing BPS htaccess code and save it permanently. When you activate BPS Root or wp-admin BulletProof Modes the htaccess code saved in BPS Custom Code is written into your Root and wp-admin htaccess files.
You would add the first code that you posted in this BPS Root Custom Code text box: 14. CUSTOM CODE BOTTOM HOTLINKING/FORBID COMMENT SPAMMERS/BLOCK BOTS/BLOCK IP/REDIRECT CODE. I recommend that you use 2 or 3 octets of your Public IP address (ISP IP address) if your Public IP address is dynamic (changes every X days). If you have a static IP address (never changes) then add all 4 octets of your IP address.
IP address octet Example:
4 octets:
3 octets: 100.99.88.
2 octets: 100.99.
To protect your production site Login page with IP address protection see this forum topic > https://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/protect-login-page-from-brute-force-login-attacks/
The second block of htaccess code that you posted is BPS standard htaccess code that is already included in the BPS Root htaccess file. To modify/edit the BPS standard Root htaccess code you would copy it to this BPS Root Custom Code text box: 13. CUSTOM CODE DENY BROWSER ACCESS TO THESE FILES, edit/modify it, click the Save Root Custom Code button and click the Root folder BulletProof Mode Activate button on the BPS Security Modes page.
<FilesMatch "^(wp-config\.php|php\.ini|php5\.ini|readme\.html|bb-config\.php)">
<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
Require all denied
#Require ip
<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
<IfModule mod_access_compat.c>
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all
#Allow from