• Resolved Melpomene


    I think I might be best trying to describe my wish list first, but I don’t think the plug-in can perform it?

    Ideally I’d like a couple of flags in a row (usual currency suspects) sitting above a table featuring sterling prices, that allows the user to click the flag they wish to view the website in, and this then becomes their default. Now I don’t believe this is possible? So I’m looking for another solution

    I’ve tried experimenting with the plug-in, and whereas it stops short of my ideal solution, it still performs the basics of what I want – so that’s a positive. The use of shortcodes is probably a good solution for me, as the prices can appear ad-hoc in different places of the website, this gives me some flexibility, but I’m not blessed with space. At the moment it outputs something like this

    £ 1,000.= / $ 1,419.= *

    Is there anyway of removing the asterisk and the second equals sign? Even the full stop doesn’t seem necessary. Ideally I’d like to be able to put the Euro in too as a third currency, but at the moment the only way I’ve been able to achieve this is by putting sterling in a second time. The sort of output I’d be looking for would be something like this

    £1000 = $1419 = €1415

    Many thanks, or if you feel there is another solution, please feel free to advise


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  • Plugin Author joost de keijzer



    Sorry for the late reply

    Please review the examples on de plugin page or on de “help” tab in your WordPress edit screen.

    You could insert something like:

    [currency amount="1000" from="GBP" to="USD" iso=true between=" = " append="" round_append=""] = [currency amount="1000" from="GBP" to="EUR" show_from=false append=""]

    into your text

    Thread Starter Melpomene


    Just quickly then, to prevent me making an error. Is this a short code that should be used to replace the existing one in amongst the HTML? or is it something that I should try and insert elsewhere in a function file? I’m guessing its the former, but I did crash all three sites once mucking about with PHP and have be too scared to use it ever since

    Plugin Author joost de keijzer



    My example are shortcodes you can place in your texts.

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